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(1924-06-03 - 1988-10-21)
Real name: Casabona, Olga
Place of birth: Rosario (Santa Fe) Argentina

Recordings of Olga LAMAS as single performer. You can also search for orchestra recordings including the voice of Olga LAMAS.

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1954-11-30Olga LAMASEl llorón MILONGAJuan MaglioEnrique Cadícamo
1954-11-30Olga LAMASLa budinera MILONGA??
1955-06-20Olga LAMASHambre TANGOJuan Carlos CobiánEnrique Cadícamo
1955-06-29Olga LAMASDespedida de soltero MILONGA??
1956-04-11Olga LAMASGuapo sin grupo TANGOSalvador MericoManuel Romero
1956-04-11Olga LAMASHaragán TANGOEnrique DelfinoManuel Romero y Luis Bayón Herrera

About Olga LAMAS